Radius Garden PRO Stainless Digging Fork

We’ve always loved gardening with Digging Forks. We find they are one of the most versatile tools one can own. We use them to dig up bulbs and root vegetables every year. Other annual tasks include turning the soil in our beds, turning compost, and pitching waste. We also like to use them to aerate around the bases of shrubs and perennials prior to spring and fall fertilizing. The Radius PRO Digging Fork combines a traditional, stainless steel blade design with our patented, Natural Radius Grip for an outstanding user experience.

Blade Length = 11.5″, Blade Width = 7″, Total Length = 42.5″, Weight: 5 lbs. 2 oz., Material: Stainless steel blade, polypropylene encased carbon steel shaft, and thermoplastic elastomer grip.
